Do I exist or do I live?
And I give you this life if you can understand it and understand my words. For life’s main ingredient is peace. And this peace, through grace, I extend to you. To ex‑tend that has no end. Then the «ex» just disappears. It is gone. When life becomes, as you would think is life disappears, then you are just existing. But when existence disappears you get awakened in life. And that is the awakening, that is the illumination, that is self‑ realization, and that is unity consciousness where everything around you becomes you. No distinctions are left.
When I taught through the body of Vivekananda… Viveka means discrimination, but that was necessary for that time, where discrimination between mind, body and soul had to be there. But the further stage is to go beyond discrimination and find that light that knows of no discrimination. These lights that burn here in this hall burn equally and one is not discriminating itself with the other.
So, we lose, as time goes by, the reflected images that we see in the mirror; and as we progress on the spiritual path, we do not see the image. But we look, and we look deep within ourselves. And when we look deep within ourselves the sense of discrimination develops. But beyond that, you become totally undiscriminative; where this wall becomes me, where this carpet am I, where all is nothing else but that I, encompassing the entirety, the totality. And what is that totality? It is unity consciousness. Uni means one. Uni is one. I don’t know why they put the «t» there. Unity. It should make you realize that all the units put together forms into that «t,» for you are all non‑ separate from each other. Everything is one.
Reference: US85020 Continue listening
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