Human beings must realize that whatever circumstances they are placed in are the result of their own actions.
"Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain"
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. A brief synopsis of Gururaj's life up to age 44 is given below under chronology. Most pertinent, to this profile, is the
True friendship is to find Divinity in the friend. And as you find Divinity in the friend, you will find a subtle transformation taking place in the friend as well. You will find him being uplifted, and he will not know why. He will only respond by loving you more, and he will not know […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
The ego started from that fine current at the superconscious level, and as it became more and more gross it became more and more individualized, and that is what we call the human responsibility—that is what we call the human ego. Man does not possess an ego, he is the ego. When we get immersed […]
So what we want is experience. We want to experience here and now in this lifetime what search is all about and what the goal is all about. Because we are just searching and searching and going around in circles.
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. From age 44 until his demise, which he predicted, at age 56, he devoted himself to teaching groups of people, amounting to tens of thousands of students, the art of personalised […]
The mind is weighing pros and cons all the time. What I say to you is this: lose the mind and enter the area of no mind; and yet having no mind, be mindful to observe yourself. And when you can observe the mechanism of the mind, you can stand apart from the mind and […]
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