There is no adversity in life. There is only opportunity! That which we regard to be adversity might be the very lesson we need to learn.
"Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain"
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. A brief synopsis of Gururaj's life up to age 44 is given below under chronology. Most pertinent, to this profile, is the
When we serve for the sake of serving, when it is motiveless and egoless, then service has value and is evolutionary. It is never stagnating—if it stops growing it dies. Genuine service, like the life of the flower, consists of its flowering, for that flowering is life and life is never stagnant. It forever flows […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
A person creates conflicting ideas within himself, and it is this very conflict that creates illness. As a matter of fact the conflict is an illness itself. What is the use of analyzing darkness? It does not solve the problem. In analyzing darkness, we only find it to be darkness. The element that is missing […]
I try to teach in so many ways how you could just be yourself. And to be yourself you must find the way of total naturalness and flow. Isn’t that what we teach? To make yourself feel totally free and to just be your natural self flowing. Tonight, the idea is to have a little […]
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. From age 44 until his demise, which he predicted, at age 56, he devoted himself to teaching groups of people, amounting to tens of thousands of students, the art of personalised […]
Now what is the purpose of having this freewill? What is the purpose? The purpose of having the freewill is so that you do not become fatalistic. Many a country has been ruined because of this fatalistic attitude that «Oh well, He’s the doer and whatever happens, happens.» That is not so.
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