If I think anything of another person then I must surely know that those are my thoughts, and what apparently seems to be misery could be great joy. How can we judge the so called misery a person is going through?
Continue reading...Be fearless!
The way to get rid of fear is to be totally involved in everything that one is doing, because fear is never of the present. To be fearless is to have faith in oneself; to have faith in oneself means to have faith in Divinity, for the human being is divine. All fear is based […]
Continue reading...Everyone is liberated!
In essence the spiritual self of everyone is liberated. The spirit is beyond all bondage, and you are spirit itself. Man only starts to live when he finds the key to life everlasting; and life everlasting is the spirit within man. Consciousness, being universal, permeates every cell of our bodies. The significant difference here is […]
Continue reading...Spiritual Practices gives a guide to our yearning
All spiritual practices are meant to awaken that Christ consciousness within you. It is not something gained from the outside. It is there within you all the time. The eternal spirit within man is beyond all experience of motion, it just is. It is a question of superimposition. The sun is always there, the clouds […]
Continue reading...Free will is a very strange creature..
Free will is a very strange creature. At the same time, it is the greatest gift given to mankind by Divinity for his own progress. Exercising free will may lead you to greater suffering, but that greater suffering could be more evolutionary for you. You might learn more from that suffering because behind your free […]
Continue reading...As you sow, so shall you reap
The law of cause and effect, or karmic law, is the principle that as you sow, so shall you reap. Karma forms an integral part of the subtle body and exists in the subtle body in an impression form. So karma, which is action, transforms itself into impressions which we call samskaras. Thus by thought, […]
Continue reading...Adversity is just an opportunity
There is no adversity in life. There is only opportunity! That which we regard to be adversity might be the very lesson we need to learn.
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