The purpose of life is to find oneness

Because these flowers are tangible we call them material. We call the vase material because it is tangible and perceptible by the five senses. We can see it, touch it, hear it, and smell it. But beyond the value of the five senses that make these objects material, there is a binding force which keeps […]

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No lifetime is ever wasted

As the individualized soul progresses, it has one aim. This is not conscious, but because of its propulsion, its aim is to merge again with its source, the universal self. Man is the only animal that has the power to expedite his evolution. All the other kingdoms, mineral, plant, and animal, have to flow with […]

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To live is to be awakened

To live is to be awakened. To live is to be alive to all the forces of nature around us in alertness. Deep alertness is that vast awareness where the entire universe is comprehended. When a spark flies out from the fire, the spark thinks, “Oh, look at this long existence of mine!” But in […]

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Prana could also be called shakti

Prana could also be called shakti. Shakti means power, and power means force. At the very beginning of creation this force was manifested because it is the nature of the unmanifest to become manifest. The activating force behind everything is prana. The relationship between prana and the three gunas is that the three gunas would […]

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A balanced life is a total life

Raman Leonato feeding Gururaj

All unhappiness and strife in this world come because people do not function as total human beings. What is lacking is integration—of body, mind, and spirit. A balanced life, a total life, will be a life where the physical, mental, and the spiritual aspects live in harmony, and a person lives as one unit, as […]

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There is no Salvation except through Christ

Hands of Gururaj

Water cannot run up a mountain, it has to flow down a mountain. There are certain laws of nature that constitute this universe, and the universe functions according to those laws of nature. But when an imbalance occurs so that, through unnatural means, you try to pump water up the hill rather than allow it […]

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El Dios impersonal no crea, sólo se manifiesta, y su primera manifestación es el nivel más sutil de la mente universal. Este es otro nombre del Dios personal La creación es algo que se hace con la voluntad. La manifestación es algo espontáneo y automático. Tomad el ejemplo del fuego: su naturaleza es dar calor […]

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The Impersonal God does not create. It just manifests, and its first manifestation is the subtlest level of the Universal Mind. This is another name for the personal God. Creation is something done by will. Manifestation is something automatic and spontaneous. Take for example, fire: its nature is to give heat. Fire in this sense […]

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