Accepting our Circumstances

Human beings must realize that whatever circumstances they are placed in are the result of their own actions.

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The shadow

the shadow

When you chase your shadow, it is always running ahead of you. And you can’t catch it. It’s always running ahead. But when you forget the shadow and keep on running, it will be following you all the time.

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‘Man, know thyself’

Man know thyself

Man, know thyself

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The faith

Some people are born with such deep faith in them, from the word go and to have that faith in them, they have at some time or another, perhaps in their previous lives who knows, worked hard for that faith.

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I am

I am

It all depends upon us and what awareness we have, how much our awareness has been unfolded. Remember the word «unfolded,» not expanded. Because man is born with all this [wisdom] in him. The awareness of the entire universe is within him. The entirety of Divinity is within man, so there is nothing to search […]

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Thy will be done

Thy will be done

Now people would say that, «Okay, I do spiritual practices. I find some peace. I find some betterment in life,» which is the experience of practically all people. «But how can we expedite it? How can we make it quicker?» The answer lies in the fact that you let go. Just let go of that which is called mind. Easier said than done. How does one let go?

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Our view is narrow because the conscious mind acts only as a vehicle for the upper strata of the subconscious to flow through it. In other words, the patternings that are there in the upper strata of the subconscious mind is being expressed through the conscious mind.

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No time, no place, and no space

You’re sitting in this lovely room here, hmm. “Are you really sitting in this room?” I would like to ask, “or are you somewhere else beyond time, beyond space, and beyond causation?”

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