Can you get self realized in one life time? (II)

Gururaj initiates Cansita

So come what may, whatever heaven and hell has to come I accept it fully, and the entirety of whatever I have built up as binding structures I can get rid of, in just this life time. So if this is true and you are earnest in your determination and honest in your practice this […]

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Gururaj Ananda Yogi

Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. From age 44 until his demise, which he predicted, at age 56, he devoted himself to teaching groups of people, amounting to tens of thousands of students, the art of personalised […]

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Fear is in the roots of all anxiety and indirectly, of the depressions we suffer. Today in this world the consumption of tranquilizers and antidepressants is so much extended that has become the main drug consumed in the western world. In the root of the anxiety we suffer is fear, and in the root of […]

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The ego is like an egg

The ego is like an egg

The ego is like an egg. You’ve got to break the shell for the chicken to pop out, the chicken of life. Spirituality. Now that spirit is always within. . . when it is ready, it tries to hit up against the shell to break it to come out. It’s a hard time, but if […]

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Podemos aceptar, podemos rechazar….Ambos se encontrarán al otro lado.

We are allowed to think. We are allowed to accept. We are allowed to reject. And that is what progress is all about. If you reject a certain thought, I will not say, “Do not reject.” I say, “Yes, go on rejecting—rejecting until you reach the stage of accepting.” It is like two people moving in opposite directions around this globe—sooner or later they will meet face to face at the other side.

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Accepting or rejecting… both meet at the end.

Gururaj with a Tie

We are allowed to think. We are allowed to accept. We are allowed to reject. And that is what progress is all about. If you reject a certain thought, I will not say, “Do not reject.” I say, “Yes, go on rejecting—rejecting until you reach the stage of accepting.” It is like two people moving in opposite directions around this globe—sooner or later they will meet face to face at the other side.

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Accepting the teachings from a teacher

The person most qualified to accept what a teacher says is the one with devotion in his heart. When devotion is there, there is acceptance. If one is lacking in devotion, then evaluation will not come from the heart, it will come from the mind.

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Accepting our Circumstances

Human beings must realize that whatever circumstances they are placed in are the result of their own actions.

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