The disciples of Jesus and His teachings

jesus and disciples teachin The teachings of Jesus Christ

And here Jesus with his disciples so close to him ‑‑ seeing how he made the blind see and the deaf hear and the cripple walk and raising man from the dead, things like that. And yet such a master was denied. Why? Is it because familiarity breeds some kind of contempt? No, it was not that. Because he was with them just an ordinary man. So they just saw the ordinariness in him and failed ‑‑ they just saw Jesus and failed to see the Christ. Therefore, none of the disciples that were very close to him ever reached enlightenment. There is only one person in the lifetime of Jesus that was enlightened, and that was Lazarus. Lazarus was not physically raised from the dead. What it actually means that he was awakened. He was led from darkness to light. [Sanskrit phrase].

And that was enlightenment and that was to «bring to life.» For most people in this world as of that time are the living dead ‑‑ so called living and yet dead, for if one does not function in one’s totality, then you are but dead. You are dead to the spirit. Though the mind would function, the body would function, but that is not life. And when Jesus said, «I am the life,» that is what he meant: the awakening, the quickening of that consciousness which is life. So he had to say over and over again, «I am the life,» not meaning the physical Jesus, but meaning that consciousness. And that life is the way. For that life is the truth. For nothing else exists that is worthy of possessing or of having but the truth, and once one has the truth, one knows what life is.

So, although the disciples were totally devoted to the man, they lacked devotion to the spirit. They lacked devotion to the consciousness. So therefore, at a later stage, after reflection, after deep reflection, they found that that man that we were so close to, he was that consciousness. And they only recognized that after they went through greater crucifications than what Jesus did. Jesus did not suffer in being crucified. He accepted it. Being that consciousness, he cared not for his body or his mind. Let it fall away. Let it pass away. For I and my Father are one. And that really dawned on him when his mind and body was put through that agony and that turmoil. And then he even in desperation said, «Why hast thou forsaken me.» And then through that heat, through that tapas, then all that, why has thou and me, when that concept was burnt away in that heat of agony, then only the truth was realized that after all I and my Father are one. So there was no suffering in the crucifixion.

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