Astrology, Mediums and other psychics

Astrologers are of no use at all! CHRIS: Would you speak about the practice of consulting with psychics, astrologers, and other spiritual mediums. GURURAJ: Psychics, astrologers, and others mediums is an absolute waste of time. They know nothing. An astrologer goes according to the books that has been written about and everyone has put in […]

Fear of Death

We prefer the crumbs of our own individuality MURRAY: Why am I so afraid to die? GURURAJ: Death is the thing that should be least feared. The reason why people fear death primarily, there are secondary reasons as well, primarily is this that they do not want to lose their individuality. They would prefer the […]

Divine will into motion

Divine will is a fallacy In the largest sense, there’s nothing else that exists but divine will. Now, man’s tendency is this, to narrow down the vastness of divine will to their own will, which consists of nothing else but their egos! So the ego says, «I do this, and I do that.» And yet, […]


What gives you 60% of what is necessary? JASUTI: Could you give us some new suggestions on how we can increase the intensity of our gurushakti practices? GURURAJ: That’s very easy, don’t do gurushakti. I’m joking, you know that. Gurushakti is something indefinable. It is the power of grace that you are drawing unto yourself […]

I and my Father are One

The Universal Consciousness within you This is a clip from a satsang in Xavier University. USA. He speaks to Christian priests of a theology, that eventually, is the Chrsitian churches are going to prevail in the future they will have to implement, to adapt their message to the times and the sophisticated mind of modern […]

I am not this, not that. I

The Divinity that is within you is non‑cognizable Ramu: Beloved Guruji, this question is in the form of a riddle. I am that which causes awareness to flow from the grossness of the lower mind to the un‑differentiated bliss of the superconscious. I am not mind, but upon me the mind rests. I do not […]

I am not this, not that. II

I always said gurus are dumb‑asses So I, with something that has no substance but which has just created an impression there, presume that this mind and this body is real. So now, what have we done so far? We are accepting the reality of the mind and the body, and, at the same time, […]

Grief because of our loved ones

About life, death and suffering when our loved ones part VOICE: Dear Gururaj, what is the nature of grief in the loss of a loved one? GURURAJ: What is the nature of grief in the loss of a loved one? First we must know what grief is all about, and we must also know what […]