Non dualism III

Proving the Truth of Existence So I, with something that has no substance but which has just created an impression there, presume that this mind and this body is real.  So now, what have we done so far?  We are accepting the reality of the mind and the body, and, at the same time, we […]

Non dualism IV

Make the best out of these three score years and ten!! Now should I as a man or a woman or whatever not get rid of these memories, those impressions? Should I not start a different life in such a way that automatically those impressions will be obliterated? Now if this would happen to me, […]

Non dualism V

Why deny yourself of that beautiful joy of this so‑ called existence when you can have fun. What’s wrong with fun. Enjoy it. But be honest and sincere, that’s important.

Finding the Gap

SHAMIYA: Will you explain the gap technique? I was taught that it was the space between the in‑breath and the out‑breath. There seems to be a confusion that it is also is the space between the out‑breath and the in‑breath. GURURAJ: Yes, that is very true, that there definitely is a space between the in‑breath […]

Game of Life

ROOPA: My mother asked that this question be asked. So, for her I’m asking the question‑‑for Nirmala. It’s a typical… never mind. If life was supposed to be the play of the Gods, why are so many people so miserable? When I am compassionate I can feel sorry for everyone, king or commoner, old or […]

Talking to God

The best way to review our talking is by not talking. Now what does that mean? It means that talk is nothing else but the verbalization of thought. And when thoughts become steady, silent, and find an equilibrium, then the real talk begins, the real review begins between you and Him. So words has its […]

The Essence of Non-Duality

This is a blend of several quotes and satsangs about Non-Duality. I include here also a text transcription of a satsang about the topic. Equal to All Equal to all. Now here is a conflict of feeling. At one moment you’d feel that you are non‑existent and at the next moment you feel that you […]

The essence of spiritual teachings

You’d be surprised I’m keeping myself together. [Gururaj laughs] Keep yourself together through the power of love. And therefore the scriptures, all the scriptures say, «Love thy neighbor as yourself.» But I would add onto that, not only your neighbor. Here’s my neighbor, that’s my neighbor, this is my neighbor. Do you see? So who […]