Gururaj: A person who is negatively disposed to you what you could do about it, is that what it is? Firstly we have to understand what negative disposition is. A person could be very positive towards you but your interpretation of that person’s positivity might seem negative to you. A father slaps a child. Now […]
Non duality
Advaita This video has a few clips from different satsangs in which Gururaj referred to this concept which is embeded somehow in his teachings, bacause he encompassed duality and non-duality as a process of spiritual unfoldment. Bellow is a satsang transcript that complements the video above. Questioner. The most important part of your message has […]
The 20 Times Satsang II
Looking yourself honestly in the mirror I have not changed at all, for I come from the land of changelessness and I will reach the land of changelessness. So from the non‑changing we are proceeding to non‑changing. And yet all the things that come up in your minds changing, changing, changing, which are none else […]
Existence III
I am existence Therefore the Scriptures say that man must reach a stage where happiness or good tidings must not elate you, and bad tidings or sorrow must not deflate you. You see, elation and deflation this could not occur to the man whose problems have been resolved. In other words, he has gone beyond […]
Existence V
Sensory input is governed by the manas or the lower mind which receives the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. But in the reception in the lower mind it cannot exist by itself for the lower mind has to travel down to chitta, which is your subconscious mind or memory box.
Name and Form with respect of isness
Now, we come to an important question. How real is the mind? The mind is totally formless. Mind has no form, no shape, no size. It is universal and immeasurable, and yet because of the lack of awareness, you create form within the mind which is formless. You create a name which is nameless. […]
The reality exists within you
So we normally divide things up because separation is part of our nature. We always divide things up. This glass is separate from me. And you are separate from her. Or whatever the case might be, I am separate from that video camera. And because of the sense of separation, you also create the separation […]