
Some people are born with such deep faith in them, from the word go and to have that faith in them, they have at some time or another, perhaps in their previous lives who knows, worked hard for that faith.

Thinking about Fear

You’ve got to neutralize the mind. And how do we neutralize the mind? By spiritual practices. If a fearful thought comes into your mind, let it be there. You can become an observer of that thought and the thought loses its power. Now to become an observer, it’s a long process, it just does not come overnight. There must be some easy way. So what do you do?

The Kingdom of Heaven is here

To make you see, hear, feel, realize that the Kingdom of Heaven is here, here and now, and nowhere else for you. That is the role of the guru.

The Real and the Unreal

Let me tell you a little secret, and understand this well. That which you think is real is not real at all. That which you think is unreal is true reality. Did you get that? The true reality is that «it,» that cannot find any confirmation in your mind saying that it is real. It […]

Suffering near a sage

So that is how life goes on in unawareness. This body goes on in unawareness, the mind is incapable of perceiving or conceiving the various functionings of ourselves within ourselves and of the universe around us. Because they are subtler laws of nature that is forever there and doing its work. But the mind, the […]

Name and Form with respect of isness

  Now, we come to an important question. How real is the mind? The mind is totally formless. Mind has no form, no shape, no size. It is universal and immeasurable, and yet because of the lack of awareness, you create form within the mind which is formless. You create a name which is nameless. […]

Thinking useless thoughts

So what is here in the mind? Nothing but confusion. All kinds of varying thoughts conflicting. I have to pick up this glass. Now I have to think, «Shall I pick up this glass or not?» Why must I think, «Shall I pick up this glass?» Pick it up. Do you see? Most of the […]

The reality exists within you

So we normally divide things up because separation is part of our nature. We always divide things up. This glass is separate from me. And you are separate from her. Or whatever the case might be, I am separate from that video camera. And because of the sense of separation, you also create the separation […]