To live is to be awakened

To live is to be awakened. To live is to be alive to all the forces of nature around us in alertness. Deep alertness is that vast awareness where the entire universe is comprehended. When a spark flies out from the fire, the spark thinks, “Oh, look at this long existence of mine!” But in […]

Prana could also be called shakti

Prana could also be called shakti. Shakti means power, and power means force. At the very beginning of creation this force was manifested because it is the nature of the unmanifest to become manifest. The activating force behind everything is prana. The relationship between prana and the three gunas is that the three gunas would […]

Be fearless!

The way to get rid of fear is to be totally involved in everything that one is doing, because fear is never of the present. To be fearless is to have faith in oneself; to have faith in oneself means to have faith in Divinity, for the human being is divine. All fear is based […]

Non dualism II

Are you the body, the mind, or the factor that cognizes the body and the mind? And like that you go on and on and on until you reach a point which is zero.  Then only can you say, «I’m not the body.»  Then only can you say, «I’m not the mind.»  And when you […]

Non dualism III

Proving the Truth of Existence So I, with something that has no substance but which has just created an impression there, presume that this mind and this body is real.  So now, what have we done so far?  We are accepting the reality of the mind and the body, and, at the same time, we […]

Non dualism IV

Make the best out of these three score years and ten!! Now should I as a man or a woman or whatever not get rid of these memories, those impressions? Should I not start a different life in such a way that automatically those impressions will be obliterated? Now if this would happen to me, […]


So what we want is experience. We want to experience here and now in this lifetime what search is all about and what the goal is all about. Because we are just searching and searching and going around in circles.

The best way to…

The best way according to Gururaj Ananda The best way to loose weight Now this girl had a problem, she was overweight, that was her problem.  And she kept on talking about her weight problem.  So she meets a friend who tells her that «Stop talking about your problem.  The best way to lose weight […]