Raja Yoga combines within itself all the other Yogas

El Raja Yoga combina en su interior todos los otros yogas: Karma yoga, que es la acción adecuada, el pensar adecuado; Gñana yoga, que es el análisis intelectual, queriendo encontrar las respuestas; y Bahkti yoga, que es el yoga de la devoción.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga, as you would know, Raja means royal, the Royal Yoga, the Royal Path to Divine Union, where the individual self merges with the Universal Self, where man finds union with God. That is Yoga.

Negative Disposition

Gururaj: A person who is negatively disposed to you what you could do about it, is that what it is? Firstly we have to understand what negative disposition is. A person could be very positive towards you but your interpretation of that person’s positivity might seem negative to you. A father slaps a child. Now […]

Personal and Impersonal God

Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]

Divine Will and Individual Will

Divine Will is a phrase so misunderstood. Divinity does not will anything. It is a common saying that ‘Let they will be done’. Now will in itself implies a thought process. Without thought, you cannot will and that is more for the human mind rather than the Divine mind. So what do we mean by […]

The 20 Times Satsang I

Must we give up all attachments to become self realized? ROOPA: Dropping the cymbals, eh? All the symbols. This is a question from Nirmala which she didn’t get to ask on the last course. To attain permanent liberation in this life, must we give up all attachments to person, including ego, to place, to experience, […]

The 20 Times Satsang II

Looking yourself honestly in the mirror I have not changed at all, for I come from the land of changelessness and I will reach the land of changelessness. So from the non‑changing we are proceeding to non‑changing. And yet all the things that come up in your minds changing, changing, changing, which are none else […]

The 20 Times satsang III

The thought that found it’s own existence and that still carries on and on.. There are so many automatic processes going on in this universe of ours, even within your own bodies, that you are not even aware of. How much are you aware of your heart beating? Unless you get a pain, then you […]