Am I enlightened

You cannot know Do we really know now, even with the senses, where we are? We are at this conference center, that we know. But where are we really? Do we know that? You do not know that until you have been totally integrated and been totally centered, then only can one know where we […]

Joyful Meaning

Adding meaning to life Life is both meaningful and also meaningless. It depends on how you look at life. If you find life to be meaningless, then it will become meaningless. But if you find life to be meaningful, then you will find ways and means by you viewing your life to be meaningful. What […]


I am forever the same And that is the idea a person has to develop, that I am forever the same. I have not changed at all, for I come from the land of changelessness and I will reach the land of changelessness. So from the non‑changing we are proceeding to non‑changing. And yet all […]

Judging self realization

You cannot know Self Realization People suffer in this world because of craving. There are many objects of craving. It does not necessarily mean food that you crave for: lobster dinner or you crave for chicken or turkey or pork chops or whatever. But craving also has so many other forms. You crave for wealth, […]

Am I self realized?

Knowing Self Realization TAMAJI: Guruji, if and when meditation leads us to the state of no form, no name, and no senses, how do we know we’re there? And how do we translate that state into daily life? GURURAJ: Beautiful. Do we really know now, even with the senses, where we are? We are at […]

Awareness I

The nature of awareness TAMAJI: Beloved Guruji, would you speak about the nature of awareness? GURURAJ: Good. Now awareness, would awareness have any nature? Because when you use the word nature of awareness you are applying qualifications to awareness. When we talk of the nature of anything, naturally we would add qualities to the very […]

Awareness II

Attachment and need We do find that there is no answer. Because if you hate someone, can you find the answer for hating someone? You cannot. You cannot find the answer why you hate someone. You can only find excuses but not the real answer. Oh, because, you know, this one said this to me […]

Awareness III

Tapping the superconscious level of yourself So, through spiritual practices, as more and more cells open, more and more of the universal mind flows through. And only when you can capture the totality of the universal mind, then you become fully aware of the entire universe. You become so aware that you just know. So, […]