Adversity is just an opportunity

There is no adversity in life. There is only opportunity! That which we regard to be adversity might be the very lesson we need to learn.

Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques

Expansion of awareness is gained through meditation. It is through expansion of awareness that we find beauty even in the thorns which contribute to the wholeness of the rose.

Reaching Freedom

How does one reach the state of freedom? The state of freedom is not to be in the bondage of the mind, that means, in turn, that one rises above the mind. I was telling someone earlier this evening, that, when man becomes an observer of the mind, then only would the mind assume its […]

Non Dualism I

Am I non-existent? Ramu:  Beloved Guruji, this question is in the form of a riddle.  I am that which causes awareness to flow from the grossness of the lower mind to the un‑differentiated bliss of the superconscious.  I am not mind, but upon me the mind rests.  I do not move, yet through me all […]

Non dualism II

Are you the body, the mind, or the factor that cognizes the body and the mind? And like that you go on and on and on until you reach a point which is zero.  Then only can you say, «I’m not the body.»  Then only can you say, «I’m not the mind.»  And when you […]

Non dualism IV

Make the best out of these three score years and ten!! Now should I as a man or a woman or whatever not get rid of these memories, those impressions? Should I not start a different life in such a way that automatically those impressions will be obliterated? Now if this would happen to me, […]

Non dualism V

Why deny yourself of that beautiful joy of this so‑ called existence when you can have fun. What’s wrong with fun. Enjoy it. But be honest and sincere, that’s important.

Finding the Gap

SHAMIYA: Will you explain the gap technique? I was taught that it was the space between the in‑breath and the out‑breath. There seems to be a confusion that it is also is the space between the out‑breath and the in‑breath. GURURAJ: Yes, that is very true, that there definitely is a space between the in‑breath […]