You’re sitting in this lovely room here, hmm. “Are you really sitting in this room?” I would like to ask, “or are you somewhere else beyond time, beyond space, and beyond causation?”
In every meditation… something has happened
In every meditation… something has happenedIn every meditation, even if you have no experience whatsoever,… something has happened.
The Real and the Unreal
Let me tell you a little secret, and understand this well. That which you think is real is not real at all. That which you think is unreal is true reality. Did you get that? The true reality is that «it,» that cannot find any confirmation in your mind saying that it is real. It […]
Discrimination (Viveka)
The power of discrimination, (viveka, as they call it in Sanskrit), is for one purpose: to be able to discriminate between the changing and the unchanging, to discriminate between the relative and the Absolute. The Absolute is our real essence, it is changeless. All change is but a manifestation of the changeless. When you combine […]
Meditation and renounciation
Someone asked me a question this afternoon. This person said that I have a family to look after, children, husband and others, but I would like to have more time to do my meditations. So I would say that meditation leads you into one way, while your action in daily life leads you in another […]
Can you get self realized in one life time? (I)
When asked this question, Gururaj gave always the same answer. Yes it is possible. And his chelas has made true with their experience this teaching. You can download each of the tracks separately and you will get in this way the full satsang. You can also download our version of this satsang properly cleaned and […]
To live is to be awakened
To live is to be awakened. To live is to be alive to all the forces of nature around us in alertness. Deep alertness is that vast awareness where the entire universe is comprehended. When a spark flies out from the fire, the spark thinks, “Oh, look at this long existence of mine!” But in […]
Everyone is liberated!
In essence the spiritual self of everyone is liberated. The spirit is beyond all bondage, and you are spirit itself. Man only starts to live when he finds the key to life everlasting; and life everlasting is the spirit within man. Consciousness, being universal, permeates every cell of our bodies. The significant difference here is […]