Through using drugs no one has ever become enlightened. If people could become enlightened through using drugs, I would go and buy a few pounds now and give them to you all. This chemical has a reaction in the brain, numbing the brain. It can stir many samskaras that are deeply implanted in your minds, […]
We have been born to spread joy
We have been born to spread joy. That should be the ambition of life, and that is the spiritual ambition. All desires are binding. They take you on the wheel of birth and death all the time, over and over and over again. When a desire is refined and becomes desireless, where the desire is […]
Enjoying life in the right way is austerity
Austerity, like brahmacharya, is a word so misinterpreted. Austerity doesn’t mean that you deprive yourself. If you have a comfortable bed at home, it is not necessary to sleep on the ground. Enjoy life—but enjoy it in the right way. Enjoying life in the right way is austerity. To do unto others as you would […]
Do good, be good
I do not say, “believe.” Believe if you must, if you have a devotional temperament. If you have an intellectual temperament, inquire. And if you do not have either an intellectual temperament or a believing temperament, then just live . . . in the sense of, “Do good, be good.” There is no such thing […]
The Choiceless choice
Flowing with His choice So when it comes to choices, who chooses for you? Your ego chooses. Because the ego is patterned and according to its patterning it makes its choice. You are fond of mountains or someone is fond of the sea. Why? Because you are used to mountains, so you’re attracted to the […]
No one asks you to become desireless
The creation of unnecessary wants brings you suffering and misery No one asks you to become desireless. No one asks you be totally non‑attached, because your very nature in such that even the enlightened man must have that two percent attachment. Otherwise he would not be able to exist in a body. But there is […]
Keeping yourself together
Love is the secret that overrides the mind You’d be surprised I’m keeping myself together. [Gururaj laughs] Keep yourself together through the power of love. And therefore the scriptures, all the scriptures say, «Love thy neighbor as yourself.» But I would add onto that, not only your neighbor. Here’s my neighbor, that’s my neighbor, this […]
What gives you 60% of what is necessary? JASUTI: Could you give us some new suggestions on how we can increase the intensity of our gurushakti practices? GURURAJ: That’s very easy, don’t do gurushakti. I’m joking, you know that. Gurushakti is something indefinable. It is the power of grace that you are drawing unto yourself […]