Become independent!

Now, what do we mean by clarity? Do we mean a total understanding of the subject in question? Or do we mean that there was no question in the first place at all? Is this not a contradiction of infatuation? So, as we go on and the mind becomes more clear, not for anyone else […]

The best way to…

The best way according to Gururaj Ananda The best way to loose weight Now this girl had a problem, she was overweight, that was her problem.  And she kept on talking about her weight problem.  So she meets a friend who tells her that «Stop talking about your problem.  The best way to lose weight […]

The Essence of Non-Duality

This is a blend of several quotes and satsangs about Non-Duality. I include here also a text transcription of a satsang about the topic. Equal to All Equal to all. Now here is a conflict of feeling. At one moment you’d feel that you are non‑existent and at the next moment you feel that you […]

The essence of spiritual teachings

You’d be surprised I’m keeping myself together. [Gururaj laughs] Keep yourself together through the power of love. And therefore the scriptures, all the scriptures say, «Love thy neighbor as yourself.» But I would add onto that, not only your neighbor. Here’s my neighbor, that’s my neighbor, this is my neighbor. Do you see? So who […]

Cleansing of the mind

Through meditational and spiritual practices, the mind using itself as an instrument, can allow itself to be led from its grosser level to its finest relative, which is the superconscious level. When one reaches the superconscious mind, one reaches the cognition that all is One. The conscious mind is limited, extending only to the environment […]

We cannot exist on beliefs

If we do not pursue the things in life for which we have a real need, then we are wasting a very valuable life. When you are immersed in worldly ambitions, in the mundane, material things of life, I would never advocate that you throw them away. No—keep them, but let the mental attitude take […]

Good Intentions and Divine Will

Good intentions to relieve the suffering of others can turn out badly
Question of the motivation behind what you want to do – good deeds can be valueless
Work for the sake of doing it and not for the reward, for the recognition
Helping should not be as a duty – done without force or compulsion, not for a return

Meditation, contemplation and art

The secret in contemplation GURURAJ: Good. Now we talked about contemplation last night. If you have any questions to ask, please do ask them. If there is anything that is not clear to you, by all means ask me. I’m here for that purpose. Mind you, Jeff mentioned something last night when he was comparing […]