Language and truth

Is language truth? TAMAJI: Could you speak briefly about the relationship between language and truth? GURURAJ: Language and truth, uh huh. And why must I speak about it briefly? TAMAJI: One word. GURURAJ: [LAUGHTER] Language is not truth. Language is just an expression of the feeling that is within you. And how true are your […]

Non Attachment

No one asks you to become desireless No one asks you to become desireless. No one asks you be totally non‑attached, because your very nature in such that even the enlightened man must have that two percent attachment. Otherwise he would not be able to exist in a body. But there is something that one […]

I am not this, not that. I

The Divinity that is within you is non‑cognizable Ramu: Beloved Guruji, this question is in the form of a riddle. I am that which causes awareness to flow from the grossness of the lower mind to the un‑differentiated bliss of the superconscious. I am not mind, but upon me the mind rests. I do not […]

The mirror of life II

Do I exist or do I live? The question would start, «Do I exist or do I live?» Ninety‑ nine point nine nine nine percent of the world’s population, which is about 4000 million today, they do not live, they just exist. So live life with the realization that life is the aim and the […]

The mirror of life I

And what is this reality all about? You think you are real. You think you are John, Jean, Jack, Joe. But are you really Jean, Jack, Joe?


Dealing with anger GARY: I have a question about anger. For me lately I’ve had a lot of anger come up that I haven’t experienced in my whole life, and I’m not sure how to deal with it. My question is, sort of, where does anger really come from, and how does one disperse it […]


I am forever the same And that is the idea a person has to develop, that I am forever the same. I have not changed at all, for I come from the land of changelessness and I will reach the land of changelessness. So from the non‑changing we are proceeding to non‑changing. And yet all […]

Judging self realization

You cannot know Self Realization People suffer in this world because of craving. There are many objects of craving. It does not necessarily mean food that you crave for: lobster dinner or you crave for chicken or turkey or pork chops or whatever. But craving also has so many other forms. You crave for wealth, […]