My book Guarantee to Make The Law of Attraction Work provides ‘missing links’ for those who have been unsuccessful in using visualisation. Essentially, we can’t manipulate the Law of Attraction very well if we don’t open our minds up to our greater reality. If we stop restricting our consciousness – as in the boxed-in mind […]
Articles written by disciples of Gururaj Ananda Yogi
In this section we will be including articles written by several disciples of Gururaj Ananda Yogi about different and several topics. With their inputs, insights and comments you will be able to understand to a greater depth the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.
What Are We?
What Are We? Until very recently, reference to the spiritual self was treated as a bit quirky by those who don’t take an interest in such matters. But recent scientific experiments and calculations have lifted the cloud of scepticism on what has, for millennia, been referred to as spiritual. It has been proven that what […]
Expanding Our Consciousness (means waking up!)
“Human life is an optical illusion of consciousness” – Albert Einstein What is consciousness? Consciousness is perception; what you are aware of. Both imagination and reality depend on where you allow consciousness to dwell. Why does the expression ‘expanded consciousness’ seem a bit eerie and why is it often treated as taboo? Because a) people […]
Living in the Present Moment
I don’t write extensively about ‘living in the now’, although I agree wholeheartedly it’s the foremost tool for letting go of unnecessary thoughts. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, my pet subject is the connections between science and our true consciousness. Secondly, there is a great deal of good stuff already written on ‘now-ness’ […]
Gururaj in the media
A charming Guru in the 70’s Gururaj appeared in the media while his teaching mission in Europe and America. This are just a few clips collected for your enjoyment.
Thank you Mother!
Thank you all
for unfolding the wisdom unfolded
when two or more are gathered
in the name of the Eternal One, for ever existent
in the breath we breath
Be mindful of yourself!
The mind is weighing pros and cons all the time. What I say to you is this: lose the mind and enter the area of no mind; and yet having no mind, be mindful to observe yourself. And when you can observe the mechanism of the mind, you can stand apart from the mind and […]
Protegido: The teachings of Byron Katie
No hay extracto porque es una entrada protegida.