Articles by Raman Leonato

This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

I am the instrument

The confusion lies in assuming that I am the doer, when in reality I am not the doer, I am the instrument. Do not be attached to action, it is only experience. What happens to most people is that they are tossed around in the sea of life by time and space, not realizing this: […]

Bring the attention to the center!

How many of us bring the attention to the center, to where it is still? That is the secret of life: to go beyond the polarities. Where there is mind, there are polarities. When we go beyond the mind we go beyond polarities, and center ourselves within ourselves. That is the area of joy and […]

Seeking is the Process of Fulfillment

If we regard man to be divine, what are the veils that hold back the awareness of Divinity from the mind level? The veils recognized by the mind are recognized by a veil, because the mind too is a veil. From this whirlpool there is no escape. The only way to find the solution to the mysteries of all existence is to go beyond the mind!

Discrimination (Viveka)

The power of discrimination, (viveka, as they call it in Sanskrit), is for one purpose: to be able to discriminate between the changing and the unchanging, to discriminate between the relative and the Absolute. The Absolute is our real essence, it is changeless. All change is but a manifestation of the changeless. When you combine […]

The universe is nothing else but mind

The universe is nothing else but mind. Mind is nothing else but matter, existing in various gradations from the totally subtle to the totally gross. Our temperaments are such that we are searching and seeking, but oddly enough, we do the seeking and it is Divinity that finds us. This happens because our search is […]

Samskaras are the patternings gathered through the process of evolution

We are today the product, the sum total of every action and every thought of the past. Nothing is ever destroyed, it is there eternally. All your actions and every thought that you have ever thought is there within your memory box, and that is what we call samskaras. We are nothing but a bundle […]

Can you get self realized in one life time? (I)

When asked this question, Gururaj gave always the same answer. Yes it is possible. And his chelas has made true with their experience this teaching. You can download each of the tracks separately and you will get in this way the full satsang. You can also download our version of this satsang properly cleaned and […]

Is Life Problematic?

We believe life is problematic and we live our lives as a problem after another instead of an adventure after another.