A soul unfolds in many ways
To give your beloved in timeless days
Just but a moment?
a recorded poem by Gururaj Ananda Yogi
"Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain"
This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.
A soul unfolds in many ways
To give your beloved in timeless days
Just but a moment?
a recorded poem by Gururaj Ananda Yogi
Winged birds of time fly on,
Flying to the rising sun and turning back at dusk:
A long journey it seems to reach back at starting point-
Winged birds, time’s creatures, fly on
Flashy experiences in meditation are not signposts. You are just awakening certain layers of the mind, which produce all the stars and colors. It could very easily be done with a mallet on the head!
Meditation brings you back to your totality Whenever a person can exercise his totality in any action, then be sure to know that this is a form of meditation. Most people don’t get answers because they do not still themselves sufficiently for the answer to come. Each of us is responsible for that. If I […]
Meditation is not, and never could be a form of escape from reality. Drug taking is an escape from reality. Meditation is a way to make you face reality. The efforts of drug taking and meditation are directly opposite. One forms dependence, the other forms independence.
Proper meditation creates that openess of heart through which you dive deep within; and in diving deep within, you develop and express greater and greater waves of love in the environment and in your home. Meditation makes life beautiful.
La meditación da a la mente la quietud para apartar ese universo completo que es la mente y permitir que la atraviese una fuerza más grande. Debido a esto, el corazón, núcleo de la personalidad, es el vehículo o la entrada.
Meditation gives the mind the quietude to push aside that whole universe which is the mind, and allow a greater force to come through. For this the heart, the core of one’s personality, is the vehicle or the entrance.
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. A brief synopsis of Gururaj's life up to age 44 is given below under chronology. Most pertinent, to this profile, is the
When someone says, “I don’t love such-and-such a person,” the fault is not in the object. The fault lies in the subject, because the subject has failed to recognize what love is. Understanding does not require analysis. Analysis can only bring you acquired knowledge which is far different from inner knowledge. Inner knowledge is wisdom. […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
In every adversity there is opportunity. Man fails because he only sees the adversity. Because of his fragmented mind he does not recognize the opportunity. Karma is not only action of the physical body, but also action of the mind, and the mind’s action is on a more subtle level, but it is still action. […]
There is a living force . . . pure consciousness . . . ever-existing Divinity . . . and it is up to you to activate it. You have a choice. Act according to your temperament and with sincerity. Because no matter how much knowledge you acquire, you will have to discard it one day […]
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. From age 44 until his demise, which he predicted, at age 56, he devoted himself to teaching groups of people, amounting to tens of thousands of students, the art of personalised […]
The way to get rid of fear is to be totally involved in everything that one is doing, because fear is never of the present. To be fearless is to have faith in oneself; to have faith in oneself means to have faith in Divinity, for the human being is divine. All fear is based […]
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