Articles by Raman Leonato

This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

The Path of Unfoldment

The aim of the Path of Unfoldment is to share some of the wisdom of a remarkable man and teacher, Gururaj Ananda Yogi. His message is profoundly spiritual, yet also intensely practical and compassionate, bringing together universal truths with all aspects of human experience in a way that is unique among modern spiritual teachers. He […]

Quantum Aspects of Self Realisation

Scientists are sure we see only 26 % of ourselves and our surroundings. We can’t see our other 74%; it’s in dimensions we generally ignore because our senses don’t perceive them. But they’re there, they’re accessible and the answers to all life’s practical problems, plus absolute knowledge of our origin, lie in understanding them. This […]

Melting into meditation

Melting Into Meditation is not only for beginners, it’s for all meditators who want to get the maximum out of their technique – including settling quickly into meditation, being less distracted and letting go of mind stuff that holds us back in life, regardless of whether we meditate or not. The book comes in at […]

Gems of the Heart

An uplifting experience and a learning forum, from Gururaj’s UK works – a selection of short extracts, poetry and 3 talks. This is one of those reference book you can pick up daily, thumb down the list of contents and pinpoint whatever grabs your attention. Always a refreshing read – even browsing over one saying […]

Discover your subtle self

Back Cover – “Discover Your Subtle Self pinpoints the fact that contemporary scientific and ancient mystical explanations about our existence are one and the same thing. Quantum physics has recently provided us with evidence of a likely 11 dimensions in our makeup, and in all matter surrounding us. That’s 8 extra dimensions to add to […]

Ramón (Raman) Leonato

I was born in Madrid in 1960, when I was a young boy I was solely interested in understanding the secret of life. I grew up studying biology, chemistry, physics and by 15 years old I was already in college. I published my first research work in Insect Biochemistry, Pergamon Press Vol. 10 pp 529 […]

Sexual energies and sexual behaviour

Question: Your teachings seems a lot on balance and refining rather than redistributing energy.  Would you comment on this in relation to our sexual natures?  Most gurus we know either teach of repression or transmutation of sex, i.e. Muktananda, Satchitananda, Yogananda for example, or like Rajneesh, suggest that we abandon the Golden Mean for unchannelled […]

Guarantee to Make The Law of Attraction Work

Guarantee to Make The Law of Attraction Work is a book about visualisation, with an instructional table included for practising. It also examines what is essential to know; the natural laws that can be utilised by anyone to acquire material stuff or to improve their lives in any way desired. But it’s not a book […]