Tomorrow means nothing as years go by
For treading where all is I, why wonder why
To fathom truth.. life’s purpose together be
For I know, of nothing else but that I am thee.
Tomorrow means nothing
Go beyond the personal God!
You have to go beyond the personal God and reach into the realms of the Impersonal God. When a person believes that there is a God sitting somewhere in heaven, we give him the right to believe that. Because it is only through a concrete conception that we can go beyond into the realms of […]
Who can conceive of that which is abstract?
Who can conceive of that which is abstract? It is so much easier to conceive of it through the concrete. It is through the concrete that we become one with the abstract. True awareness necessarily stems from the truth that is within us, and it is a quality of truth to be absolutely unconditioned. When […]
“Iswarapranidam” is what all religions are about . . . self-surrender to Divinity. We talk and read about “Thy will be done.” It is just lip service. As long as we have this “me and mine,” then “Thee and Thine” are always forgotten. Self-surrender implies the principle, “Thy will be done.” Now, if you cannot […]
El propósito verdadero
Todo es simplemente la gloria de Dios reflejada en la existencia relativa. El vehículo del Absoluto es la relatividad. Inicialmente comenzamos con la actitud dualista de que lo material está separado de lo espiritual. Pensamos que el mundo está aquí y que Dios está allí. Cuando la mente llega a la comprensión, nos damos cuenta […]
Your true worth
Everything is just the reflected glory of God in relative existence. The vehicle of the Absolute is relativity. Initially we start off with the dualistic attitude that material is separate from spiritual. We think that the would is here and God is there. When the mind comes to realization, we realize that God is not […]
You cannot be taught
There is a living force . . . pure consciousness . . . ever-existing Divinity . . . and it is up to you to activate it. You have a choice. Act according to your temperament and with sincerity. Because no matter how much knowledge you acquire, you will have to discard it one day […]
The Teacher and the Taught
If you find a guru, at any time, who tells you, “I will show you God,” discard him. A guru can guide you on the path, but you have to do the walking yourself. No one else can do it for you. When there is a true yearning, a strong desire to find the purpose […]