Articles by Raman Leonato

This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

Sacrificing the Sense of Individuality

By sacrificing the sense of individuality, individual life merges into Divine life. It is the nature of the little wills to join themselves to become one with the great will or Divinity. It is inherent in everyone, because we are subject to the force of evolution. The thing that evolution does is to take you […]

Our Will is Fickle

Our will is fickle, but if surrendered to Divine will, by the process of meditation, our every action in life is guided automatically into the right path. Automatically, we become happy; we blossom into a fullness. The flower emanates its full fragrance, undiluted by pollution, and it enjoys and enjoys. Free will was not created, […]

Getting back to one’s essence means unconditioning

Highly realized people are people that are in communion with Divinity. We only have a handful of such people in this world at the present moment. What they have to do is be able to relate their spiritual selves to the world. They have to take on a certain grossness so they can teach. The […]

Bondage as a Lever to Find Freedom

Let us use bondage as a lever to find freedom. For the man who discovers freedom in bondage, and bondage in freedom—he is the realized soul. If we keep on throwing more stones into the pond, then the ripples will be continuous. But if we cease throwing stones in the pond, then the momentum of […]

Feeling self satisfied

The highest aspiration a person can have is to reach that area of absolute knowledge (which means knowingness of everything), absolute bliss (which means being joyful), and existence (recognizing that I exist, and I am all existence as far as the universe is concerned). There are two kinds of people that can feel totally self-satisfied: […]

Bondage is your own creation

During the time of Buddha, in spite of all his great teachings, the world was not enlightened. Krishna could not enlighten the world, neither could Christ or any other spiritual teacher. Yet those who are attracted to a particular spiritual teacher, who have the required love and sincerity for their own personal progress, can move […]

Cosmic Consciousness

Cosmic consciousness comes about when the mind, at its first level, recognizes itself to be a mind, yet is separate from the Absolute, having recognition of the source of energy. With recognition of the source of all light and energy, appreciation begins. Appreciation always bring with it love and devotion for the light and the […]

The Eternal Wanderer

Christ consciousness means that consciousness to which man has to aspire, and that is the true meaning of the words, “No man goes to the Father but through me.” It means: Reach the stage of consciousness that I have reached, and you become one with the Father. All the karmic and dharmic values of this […]