Articles by Raman Leonato

This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

Good Intentions and Divine Will

Good intentions to relieve the suffering of others can turn out badly
Question of the motivation behind what you want to do – good deeds can be valueless
Work for the sake of doing it and not for the reward, for the recognition
Helping should not be as a duty – done without force or compulsion, not for a return

Oneness of observation

There is nothing on earth that can give you happiness: it can only give you temporary pleasure. Anything which is complete can never be dual. Completeness itself is oneness. All existence is composed of that oneness and that oneness can be called Divinity. It is only one. All the differences we see are just name […]

Beyond the Laws of Opposites

We must go beyond the laws of opposites, or duality . . . pleasure and pain, sweet and bitter. When we start going beyond those laws of opposites we find the aim and need of all existence, the point where everything just becomes one. When that oneness is there who can hate whom? How can […]

I am the master of my destiny

In mundane and materialistic ambitions, we just need to infuse the spiritual quality and a mundane ambition becomes a spiritual ambition. That is how we reach the kingdom of God which is within. If a person speaks of “me and mine” and “you and yours” it is because he finds a separation between me and […]

End of evolution

In this evolutionary process, we do not travel a distance. The little atomic particles that compose our system are traveling and in a state of flux. The changing self that forever has to keep on changing travels within the framework of the mind in time and space. But that which is changeless travels nowhere. It […]

Earth is our school

We came to Earth like a school. We have come to learn. Why should be learn? . . . because we want to evolve. Why do we want to evolve? . . . because we want to be away from suffering. We want to reach that state of primal peace from which we have come. […]

Evolution of the Human Being

The first incarnation is composed mostly of awareness of the physical self. It is aware that it needs food, water, and to perform other biological functions. These needs in turn create further needs, and this is how greater and greater bondage occurs. Today he hunts a deer and he gets a small one, but he […]

Past life?

Why do you want to know about your past life? How is it going to help you in this life? Someone might say that, “Oh, by knowing of the mistakes of the past life, I will avoid making them again.” That is not the way. Where the spiritual Self is concerned, you do not analyze […]