Articles by Raman Leonato

This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

A meeting takes place

Why put so much emphasis on ESP and mystical powers? The emphasis should be on integration of the mind, body, and spirit. The emphasis should be on reaching the kingdom of heaven within, on drawing from that infinite source. Then our lives become smoother, more harmonious, and fulfilled; filled with love, kindness, compassion, and all […]


We do not want total independence, we do not want total dependence. What we want is interdependence of the relative with the Absolute. Through spiritual practices and meditations we form a union with a higher force, with a higher being. Truth itself is none else than harmony within yourself and all that surrounds you. When […]

Love is the outcome

The person who does not really require more money, but wants to double it and triple it, has created within himself a false need, which is a product of a mental aberration. In other words, that person’s mind has not found balance, and is imbalanced. The worst adversity in life can be turned into an […]

God plus mind makes man. Man minus mind makes God

The mind is necessary, but it requires refinement to experience the real essence of Divinity. The mind can only accept a principle when it is in a calm state. It is only when the glass of the mind is clear that the light of Divinity can shine through. God plus mind makes man. Man minus […]

Expectation is the root cause of suffering

One of the means the mind uses to project itself into the future is expectation. The expectation of the future is lived now in the present. Expectation is the root cause of suffering. The past can be relived in the present, and that is what human beings do. They make themselves miserable by filling their […]

The mind invents the satans and gods

It is the mind that invents the satans and gods. The entire universe is nothing but mind and all problems in life are created by the mind. Tutoring that mind, we learn through meditational practices how we can overcome the mind and go beyond it, and there truth is found. The mind, being a finite […]

Controlling the mind

The more you exercise effort in controlling the mind, or controlling thought, the more will thoughts come. Thoughts are like monkeys in a tree. If you want to quiet the monkeys, it does not help to shake the tree; they will jump even more. If the thoughts are left to themselves, they will settle down […]

«I think»

People say they think. They only think that they think. They do not really think. The slightest bit of experience in the present triggers off a memory in the past through the law of association. Many people say, “I think,” but they do not think thoughts in their purity. Thoughts are always mixed with some […]