The way to improve collective karma and to improve society is to improve oneself. Actions cannot be judged on face value. Karma Yoga is where you work for the sake of work and the rewards come by themselves. Whenever these rewards come they are accepted for one’s needs, for one’s necessities of daily life. But […]
Your first incarnation
When you reach the stage of mankind (as your first incarnation), you are not karma-free, yet that karma contained within you is non-binding. It is non-binding because you have not yet developed the power of thinking. It is only when the mind starts developing that the activity of karma begins. All those impressions of millions […]
Good karma, bad karma
It is not only bad karma that has brought you into an awkward circumstance, but it could also be good karma that puts you into an awkward circumstance. Why are you in that awkward circumstance? To evolve you more, to bring you to a greater state of happiness in the long run. Even the most […]
Samskaras need not only be bad
We are nothing but a bundle of past actions and thoughts that have been heavily impressed upon our psyche. If a person now has a horrifying vision or experience in meditation, it doesn’t matter. The beautiful experience is just as valid as the ugly experience. What is brought to the fore is just the impression. […]
Rise above the law of opposites
During meditation, when people have experiences, what does it mean? It is simply that by diving deeper into our subtler levels of our minds, we are bringing to the fore, or to the conscious mind, experiences which already exist. Behind the act, it is the motive or motivation that causes samskaras. One could be totally […]
Thoughts go on and on
Thoughts are very persistent things. They go on and on. The more you fight them and the more you push them away, the more they come and take you deeper into the whirlpool of samskaras. If it is not possible to discipline the mind then it is very possible to discipline the body. The body […]
Learning means cleaning up
Learning lessons does not mean acquiring. That which we call learning means cleaning up . . . and this is how we attain a state of purity. All the dirt has to be wiped away—the dirt of samskaras, which is the combinations and permutations of the various impressions. The superconscious mind is at the finest […]
A dream is a composite story drawing forth elements from various experiences of this life or of many other lives. Many experiences are brought together and thrown into a pot and the soup that comes out is the dream. When the dream seems very vivid, it means that certain experiences of the day or for […]