Articles by Raman Leonato

This articles have been reviewed by Raman Leonato and contain the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

Ego is the sum total of an individual’s personality

This universe cannot exist without ego, for the universe itself is an ego. As you progress, that ego becomes just an idea, a thought form in its finest state. Then one transcends that thought form and one realizes in the impersonal state that, “Oh, dear me, it was only a thought!” All disappears, for then […]

Risking our little ego

Are we prepared to risk our little ego, that wants us to cling to life? There is nothing wrong with clinging to life, because everything is life. But what is our understanding of life? That is the question. Does life mean the conditionings of which our mind is a product? Does life mean the mundane […]

Preservation of the ego-self

We are all little egos. We are all bundles of impressions created over so many lifetimes. These impressions are there and they cannot be annihilated. They are eternal, they have to exist. Every thought is eternal, and cannot be destroyed. The vibrations set up by that thought go on and on through eternity. So what […]

The ego cannot exist by itself

The ego is nothing but a totality of impressions that have come together, not only in this lifetime, but through many lifetimes. Remember that the ego, in itself, is not bad. The ego is the grosser aspect; yet it also has a finer aspect. So, coming to terms with the ego, by itself, for itself, […]

Truth lies beyond good and evil

Truth is that area which lies beyond good and evil. This momentary, transitory, forever-changing way of life loses its importance. It loses its importance, not because it in itself is unimportant, but because of the effect it has on you. That is what is important. While one is an embodied, unrealized being, karma will always […]

In every adversity there is opportunity

In every adversity there is opportunity. Man fails because he only sees the adversity. Because of his fragmented mind he does not recognize the opportunity. Karma is not only action of the physical body, but also action of the mind, and the mind’s action is on a more subtle level, but it is still action. […]

Viviendo en familia

Viviendo en familia procuramos hacer las cosas lo mejor posible. No pasa nada malo por cometer faltas. Intentar vivir al máximo de nuestra capacidad es algo grande. No hay atajo para deshacerte de tu karma, pero la meditación te ayudará a adquirir fuerza para enfrentarte a los frutos de lo que has sembrado, y el […]

Living as householders

Living as householders, we try to do our best. There is nothing wrong in making mistakes. To try and live to the best of our ability is the great thing. There is no way to short cut or do away with your karma, but meditation helps you to gain the strength to face the fruits […]