The third aspect of Yama is Astaya

Astaya, which means non-stealing. Now non-stealing does not mean robbing the bank. It does not mean robbing the bank only, or pick-pocketing someone.


Satya means truthfulness. Truthfulness does not only mean uttering words of truth, but acting truthfully

Yama has five aspects

Yama has five aspects to it and the first aspect of Yama is Ahimsa, which means non-violence…

Negative Disposition

Gururaj: A person who is negatively disposed to you what you could do about it, is that what it is? Firstly we have to understand what negative disposition is. A person could be very positive towards you but your interpretation of that person’s positivity might seem negative to you. A father slaps a child. Now […]

Poetry «Fly» & » help me free myself»

Wingéd birds of time fly on,
Fly to the rising sun and turning back at dusk:

The mirror of life III

Everything is One And when everything is one, no conflicts could remain in your mind at all. For all your problems are because of conflicts. And those conflicts is forever conning you all the time with its flicks and flickerings in your mind. Get rid of those, my beloveds, it’s so easy. Do your spiritual […]

Non duality

Advaita This video has a few clips from different satsangs in which Gururaj referred to this concept which is embeded somehow in his teachings, bacause he encompassed duality and non-duality as a process of spiritual unfoldment. Bellow is a satsang transcript that complements the video above. Questioner.  The most important part of your message has […]

Experiencing oneness

But if you just see only beauty, if you can see only beauty….  How can one achieve that state to see only beauty? You cannot, you cannot see tangible beauty only.  But you can see the reflection of true beauty.  And that reflection is beyond that which is tangible.  So here we go into the […]