As love’s fruit is maturing. And each step I take, I am closer to the budding.
Poetry «Travelling»
We are travelling the road and we do not know where we go
But we go on and on;
"Let my love be measured by giving and not by gain"
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. A brief synopsis of Gururaj's life up to age 44 is given below under chronology. Most pertinent, to this profile, is the
The best way according to Gururaj Ananda The best way to loose weight Now this girl had a problem, she was overweight, that was her problem. And she kept on talking about her weight problem. So she meets a friend who tells her that «Stop talking about your problem. The best way to lose weight […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
Questioner: Guruji, this question arises from the difficulty I have with the concept of the Personal God, God with form and I ask myself what is that form? And then I understand from the things that you have said in the past that the Personal God, Ishvara, continues to exist during the present cycle of […]
Attachment and need We do find that there is no answer. Because if you hate someone, can you find the answer for hating someone? You cannot. You cannot find the answer why you hate someone. You can only find excuses but not the real answer. Oh, because, you know, this one said this to me […]
Everything is just the reflected glory of God in relative existence. The vehicle of the Absolute is relativity. Initially we start off with the dualistic attitude that material is separate from spiritual. We think that the would is here and God is there. When the mind comes to realization, we realize that God is not […]
Gururaj was born and raised Parsotam Narshi Bhana in India. He lived most of his life beyond age 20 in Cape Town, South Africa. From age 44 until his demise, which he predicted, at age 56, he devoted himself to teaching groups of people, amounting to tens of thousands of students, the art of personalised […]
Now, when we have the principle of acceptance, what do we accept? Firstly we accept the fact that my heart feels pinched. Right. That means facing reality. See these two words contain every bit of practical living that you could ever think of and we can write volumes and volumes on it.
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