Poetry «What can I say»

Soul flows in so many words … yet speaks without sound.

Poetry «Dance «

Born of the kingly rank and palaces thy keep,
With domes of gold and marbled halls,
And garments jewelled and court dancers like fairies,
To dance and sing for thee, and thy limbs to caress.

Poetry » Find the lighted star»

From heights, hazy in the cloudy night
I try to fathom and find the lighted star.

Poetry «Perfection»

At this moment into timelessness, spacelessness, perfection;

Poetry «To my bowels «

The throbbing throes of a heart beating twice
What is this that enfolds me in gloom

Poetry «Let my love be measured»

Love then, yourself to lose, I say again and again

If you should ask me to find shelter

If you should ask me to find shelter
Would it be a mansion or a hut?
I would rather prefer a hut.
The mansion filled with servants
Will make us dependent, always ringing the bell.

Poetry «Just but a moment…?»

A soul unfolds in many ways
To give your beloved in timeless days