Fabulous Higgs Bosuns

Two high-energy photons collide – as depicted in the graphic. Their energy (the red lines) is measured by an ‘electromagnetic calorimeter’. The yellow lines are the measured tracks of other particles produced in the collision. The pale blue volume shows the track through which the particles are sent. A gargantuan step forward in self discovery […]

Gururaj philosophy

A synopsis of Gururaj’s teachings The human mind does not operate in accordance with nature. Nature is balance, a harmonious flow. Everything in the universe flows in harmony – except the human mind. Most people restrict their mind to a basis of using the five senses to think about solid matter, mostly directed at achievement, […]

Meditation – A cure-all?

Meditation is not a cure-all but it can be a resolver of many ills if coupled with something called releasing, which requires a bit of effort – conscious effort. Conscious effort isn’t effort in a work sense, but a memorizing of some basic tenets in such a way that flowing with life becomes automatic. And, […]

Mind Bathing: What Is It?

Mind Bathing: What is it? Mind Bathing is the author’s slogan, taken from an expression used by Gururaj. It refers to reconditioning yourself by bathing the mind, which is achieved by ‘unconditioning’. All we’ve learned since childhood is put aside to find our Self in total silence. It’s not difficult if you don’t fight the […]

The Law of Attraction

My book Guarantee to Make The Law of Attraction Work provides ‘missing links’ for those who have been unsuccessful in using visualisation. Essentially, we can’t manipulate the Law of Attraction very well if we don’t open our minds up to our greater reality. If we stop restricting our consciousness – as in the boxed-in mind […]

What Are We?

What Are We? Until very recently, reference to the spiritual self was treated as a bit quirky by those who don’t take an interest in such matters. But recent scientific experiments and calculations have lifted the cloud of scepticism on what has, for millennia, been referred to as spiritual. It has been proven that what […]

Expanding Our Consciousness (means waking up!)

“Human life is an optical illusion of consciousness” – Albert Einstein What is consciousness? Consciousness is perception; what you are aware of. Both imagination and reality depend on where you allow consciousness to dwell. Why does the expression ‘expanded consciousness’ seem a bit eerie and why is it often treated as taboo? Because a) people […]

Living in the Present Moment

I don’t write extensively about ‘living in the now’, although I agree wholeheartedly it’s the foremost tool for letting go of unnecessary thoughts. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, my pet subject is the connections between science and our true consciousness. Secondly, there is a great deal of good stuff already written on ‘now-ness’ […]