So that is how life goes on in unawareness. This body goes on in unawareness, the mind is incapable of perceiving or conceiving the various functionings of ourselves within ourselves and of the universe around us. Because they are subtler laws of nature that is forever there and doing its work. But the mind, the […]
Name and Form with respect of isness
Now, we come to an important question. How real is the mind? The mind is totally formless. Mind has no form, no shape, no size. It is universal and immeasurable, and yet because of the lack of awareness, you create form within the mind which is formless. You create a name which is nameless. […]
The reality exists within you
So we normally divide things up because separation is part of our nature. We always divide things up. This glass is separate from me. And you are separate from her. Or whatever the case might be, I am separate from that video camera. And because of the sense of separation, you also create the separation […]
Isness and Actuality
So meditation and action are totally allied to each other. There is no separation. Why do you want to meditate is to find that oneness within yourself where the mind, body and spirit can become integrated. Fine. That is good, that must be done; but it must also find its expression in your daily […]
Meditation and renounciation
Someone asked me a question this afternoon. This person said that I have a family to look after, children, husband and others, but I would like to have more time to do my meditations. So I would say that meditation leads you into one way, while your action in daily life leads you in another […]
Jaisha Hooper
Judith (Jaisha) Hooper (born April 15, 1949, in San Francisco, California) is an American journalist. She lives in western Massachusetts. A student of Gururaj Ananda Yogi since 1978, she has been a teacher of meditation since 1979, and a healer since 1980. Hooper has worked as an editor and writer for the magazine Omni. With […]
Madhu Braunger
I am a secondary educator and mother of three children who has been been meditating for over forty years and teaching it since 1980. I can’t imagine life without the calmness it weaves into each moment of my day. I studied with Gururaj for ten years, opening to his message that true joy can be […]