Our view is narrow because the conscious mind acts only as a vehicle for the upper strata of the subconscious to flow through it. In other words, the patternings that are there in the upper strata of the subconscious mind is being expressed through the conscious mind.
No time, no place, and no space
You’re sitting in this lovely room here, hmm. “Are you really sitting in this room?” I would like to ask, “or are you somewhere else beyond time, beyond space, and beyond causation?”
Thinking about Fear
You’ve got to neutralize the mind. And how do we neutralize the mind? By spiritual practices. If a fearful thought comes into your mind, let it be there. You can become an observer of that thought and the thought loses its power. Now to become an observer, it’s a long process, it just does not come overnight. There must be some easy way. So what do you do?
In every meditation… something has happened
In every meditation… something has happenedIn every meditation, even if you have no experience whatsoever,… something has happened.
The Kingdom of Heaven is here
To make you see, hear, feel, realize that the Kingdom of Heaven is here, here and now, and nowhere else for you. That is the role of the guru.
The Path of the householder
Most of us that are listening to these videos and reading these lines are householders. We have responsibilities in the world with family, with our land lord, with our boss in the job or with our company. And we solve our lives through action. It is in this active prayer, which is action for the […]
The Real and the Unreal
Let me tell you a little secret, and understand this well. That which you think is real is not real at all. That which you think is unreal is true reality. Did you get that? The true reality is that «it,» that cannot find any confirmation in your mind saying that it is real. It […]