Last day in March 1988 – El Escorial Meditation Course

The last time Gururaj visited Spain was in March 1988, a few weeks before his passing. On the last day in our course in El Escorial, early in the morning, he came to Cansita and Raman’s room and then everybody started to gather in the room. We were enjoying the last moments in his presence, […]

Tomorrow means nothing

Tomorrow means nothing as years go by
For treading where all is I, why wonder why
To fathom truth.. life’s purpose together be
For I know, of nothing else but that I am thee.

Know then, now it is you…

I quiver as I step these stones But these wracking bones must carry me To yonder hill… where He is.   I know He is there, I know He is everywhere Yet I strive and struggle to reach him To find that He is nowhere   Plodding on… He still beckons… Plod on! For love […]

Early Gururaj Ananda Pictures from USA

This is a gallery show of pictures taken by Priya Drews during the courses of Gururaj Ananda Yogi in the USA. Many of these pictures are also in the different posts in this web dedicated to the teachings of Gururaj Ananda Yogi.

Spain March 1988

It was our last course in Spain, March  1988. Preatam (Gururaj Ananda Yogi) had only 6 weeks more to walk this planet of ours. These pictures of those days in Spain many of them made by Firo depict our last days with our beloved Preatam. 21 Photos each one containing a verse of a poem […]