No one asks you to become desireless

The creation of unnecessary wants brings you suffering and misery No one asks you to become desireless. No one asks you be totally non‑attached, because your very nature in such that even the enlightened man must have that two percent attachment. Otherwise he would not be able to exist in a body. But there is […]

Grief because of our loved ones

About life, death and suffering when our loved ones part VOICE: Dear Gururaj, what is the nature of grief in the loss of a loved one? GURURAJ: What is the nature of grief in the loss of a loved one? First we must know what grief is all about, and we must also know what […]


Dealing with anger GARY: I have a question about anger. For me lately I’ve had a lot of anger come up that I haven’t experienced in my whole life, and I’m not sure how to deal with it. My question is, sort of, where does anger really come from, and how does one disperse it […]